Please join Sustainable Sandhills SATURDAY, March 3 & 17 at the Cameo Art House Theatre Inc. in downtown Fayetteville for showings of "The Business of Being Born". Brought to you by Sustainable Sandhills and Cameo Theatre, both showings will start at 11 a.m.

Following the film, Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique, a partial sponsor, will discuss its green baby store, and certified doulas will answer audience questions about the film.
We will also have a drawing for an individual membership to the Cameo, donated by a generous benefactor.
Cameo Art House Theatre is at
225 Hay Street
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Cost is $6 per person or $5 for Cameo and Sustainable Sandhills members. Children six years and younger will be admitted free.
A look at the film...
"The Business of Being Born" is about the choices that are available to families as they welcome their new members into the world. Compared to the details women often focus on when planning a wedding or party, often times the birthing process is accepted "as is" without any idea of alternatives. This film is a good starting point for families who want to learn more. The film delves into alternative births with midwives and home births as well as hospital births in America, and includes footage of on-screen births.
To learn more, go to
Sustainable Sandhills is also working with multiple partner businesses to bring a special Sustainable Moms event to Fayetteville. The event will showcase the new film "More Business of Being Born" and will also include a panel discussion by local, leading businesses focusing on midwifery, doula services, and green baby products and services. We will update you with information soon.
Sustainable Sandhills is a nonprofit dedicated to conserving the natural resources of the eight-county region surrounding Fort Bragg, NC. Through education, demonstration, and collaboration, we are changing the ways we live, work, and play.
We have many upcoming events this spring that will be fun, will educate the public and will provide sustainability dialogue. We need corporate sponsors, volunteers and members to help make these events successful. For a list of events, click here.
Become a fan of Sustainable Sandhills on Facebook. Dialogue with us about sustainability, stay updated on events, and learn what sustainable information makes the news in the Cape Fear and Sandhills regions. We are getting very close to our 1,150th "like", and that person will win a special sustainability prize. Please like our page and share the information about the film with your friends and colleagues.
Become a fan of Sustainable Sandhills on Facebook. Dialogue with us about sustainability, stay updated on events, and learn what sustainable information makes the news in the Cape Fear and Sandhills regions. We are getting very close to our 1,150th "like", and that person will win a special sustainability prize. Please like our page and share the information about the film with your friends and colleagues.
For more information, contact Marketing & Office Manager
Jen Cooke at or 484-9098. To donate, and for more information about our organization, please go to our website at