
Donate Obama Campaign

[from barack obama website]

Yesterday God told me to make a donation to the Obama Campaign, after denying any conversations with Sarah Palin calling for the Iraq War or the building of a natural gas pipeline in Alaska. God did admit, however, to asking Sarah to name her first born Track, but offered no explanation for this behavior. Never being inclined to argue with God, I sent my money.

On behalf of the world's moose population and small town librarians running from the rage of Evangelical censors everywhere, I appeal to you to keep Cain and Not so Able out of the White House.

It's going to take millions more in donations to compete against John McCain and the machinery of Karl "the Cutter" Rove. They are raising more money than ever -- collecting huge checks from the Religious Right, Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs who will do everything to cling to power in Washington as unemployment rises, the market crashes and millions lose their homes and head off to the trailer parks.

Yes, he can be a bit low key and academic, but Obama he is truly bright and is not taking any contributions from Washington lobbyists and political action committees.

So cough up some cash. It is what God would want you to do and many a moose will be grateful.


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