
Time to Boycott

Families of Colombian Paramilitary Victims Sue U.S. Banana Giant Chiquita

Relatives of victims of a right-wing paramilitary group in Colombia have filed suit against the US banana giant Chiquita Brands.
Earlier this year Chiquita admitted it had paid off the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia which is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. Chiquita said it had fallen victim to an extortion racket that threatened its employees.
Colombian prosecutors have also accused Chiquita of providing arms that were then used to push leftist rebels out of an area in northern Colombia where Chiquita had its banana plantations.
The suit was filed on behalf of one-hundred forty-four people killed by Colombian paramilitary groups. Lead attorney Terry Collinsgworth says the suit could mark the biggest terrorism case in history. He said: “Putting Chiquita on trial for hundreds, or even thousands of murders could put them out of business.”

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