
Sandhills Water Conference, Nov.

Please attend and spread the word!
Sandhills Water Conference 2007

Can you answer the following questions?

Do we have enough water?

Can I take all the water in the stream?

Will a lack of water stop new home construction?

How do I know if my consultant knows how to advise me about water?

Who really has the answers about water?

What water studies been done?

Is there enough water for growth?

Who controls the water?

Will droughts be more frequent?

Where is funding assistance for water systems?

Where is our water?

Are available water studies current or accurate?

What are the threats to our water?

Who owns the water?

What is the condition of our water systems?

You will be able to answer these and more if you attend!

Vital information to understand and make decisions about water in your community presented by experts in the field.


Amy Axon (NCDENR - Division of Environmental Health)
Jon Parsons PE (Sustainable Sandhills - Executive Director)
Jon Risgaard (NCDENR - Division of Water Quality)
Linwood Peele (NCDENR - Division of Water Resources)
Matthew Phelps PE RS (APEC LLC - Co-founder and Principal)
Paul Rawls (NCDENR - Division of Water Quality)
Richard Whisnant (UNCCH - Institute of Government)
Thomas Blue PE PLS (Sustainable Sandhills - Water Team Leader)
Wayne Munden PE (NCDENR - Division of Environmental Health)

Day 1: Community Representatives

Thursday 08 November

Water Supply
Economic Development

Funding Sources
Water Treatment

Water Quality
Current Studies

System Expansion
Wastewater Treatment

Sanitary Sewers
Technical Support

Water Distribution
Stormwater Management

Maintenance Needs
Regulatory Requirements

Day 2: Design Professionals

Friday 09 November

Sustainable Stormwater Management

Decentralized Wastewater Management

(8 PDH credits)

There is no fee for this conference, but registration is limited.

To request registration, go to www.sustainablesandhills.org or call 910-484-9098.

presented by Sustainable Sandhills

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